Part 7
Previous Part 6 - Rotor and axle
MN5B Cushcraft Mini Beam assembly and installation
for 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 m bands
Ensamble e instalación del mini-beam MN5B Cushcraft para las bandas de 20, 17, 15, 12, y 10 m
Finishing assembling the elements to the beam and aligning everything
Finalizando el ensamblado de los elementos y alineando todo
Mounted vertically for final tuning adjustments. The center frequencies went up about 40 KHz on all bands once the antenna was installed.
Montada vertical para hacer la sintonía final. Los centros de banda subieron cerca de 40 KHz en todas las bandas una vez que la antena fue instalada.
The tubes were polished inside and outside before joining. Ideal Noalox anti corrosive compound was used on the joints. After final adjustments a self drilling screw was placed on all joints to prevent accidental movements or shifts of the elements. Raising it to the top was proven difficult, and she had few bangs against the structure along the way up. These screws were a lifesaver.
Los tubos fueron pulidos por dentro y por fuera antes de ser unidos. El compuesto anticorrosivo Ideal Noalox fue usado en todas las juntas. Después de los ajustes finales, un tornillo fue ubicado en todas las juntas para prevenir desplazamientos accidentales de los elementos. Subir hasta la punta fue dificultoso, y tuvo varios golpes contra la estructura en su camino al tope. Esos tornillos le salvaron la vida.
Coming next, the wire antennas for 30, 40, 80, and 160m bands
Proximo paso, instalar las antenas de hilo de cobre para las bandas de 30, 40, 80 y 160 m
DX-B Alpha Delta Sloper
DX-B for 30 m, 40 m, 80 m, and 160 m bands hanging 6 ft under the beam as recommended by the manufacturer.
Added new spreaders for the 30 m band element and glued them in place. Adjusted the length of the wire for the 40 m band to be on the center of the band.
2m 5 elements Yagi (badly) converted to dual band 2m/70cm
<= Adjusting before moving the antenna to the top of the mast.
= o =
Dual band Yagi at the top of the mast with a fixed 30 deg. el. for satellite ops. =>
Now, fixing the mistakes...
Ahora, solucionando los errores...
Added a separate UHF connector
Agregado de un conector de UHF por separado
Replaced the gamma match three times until I got it right
Reemplazo del gamma tres veces hasta que quedo correcto
Added a Diamond duplexer
Agregado de un duplexor Diamond
Next Part 8 - Tools