Digital Mic preamplifier

Audio Compressor, 8 bands equalizer, Noise Gate, Limiter, Auto Makeup gain - Fully parametric

This project is based on the Teensy 4.0 microcontroller and its Audio Shield board based on the SGTL5000 Audio Codec IC

Features list:

  • Spectrum Display

  • Volume and Limiter controls

    • Settings are: Mic gain | Monitor | Line in | Line Out | Auto Makeup Gain | Makeup Gain

  • Noise Gate

    • Settings are: Attack | Release | Threshold | Hysteresis

  • Compressor

    • Settings are: Threshold | Attack | Release | Ratio | Knee Width

  • Limiter

    • Settings are: Threshold | Attack | Release

  • Equalizer

    • Bands are: 150 | 240 | 370 | 600 | 900 | 1300 | 2000 | 3300 Hertz

  • Auto Volume Control provided by the SGTL5000 (On | Off)

  • SD Card for saving and restoring presets (10 presets for different microphones or modes of operation)

  • Loading default settings from the code

Project presentation

Build and assembly

Improvements, new features, and code walkthrough