Digital Mic preamplifier
Audio Compressor, 8 bands equalizer, Noise Gate, Limiter, Auto Makeup gain - Fully parametric
This project is based on the Teensy 4.0 microcontroller and its Audio Shield board based on the SGTL5000 Audio Codec IC
This project is based on the Teensy 4.0 microcontroller and its Audio Shield board based on the SGTL5000 Audio Codec IC
Features list:
Features list:
Spectrum Display
Volume and Limiter controls
Settings are: Mic gain | Monitor | Line in | Line Out | Auto Makeup Gain | Makeup Gain
Noise Gate
Settings are: Attack | Release | Threshold | Hysteresis
Settings are: Threshold | Attack | Release | Ratio | Knee Width
Settings are: Threshold | Attack | Release
Bands are: 150 | 240 | 370 | 600 | 900 | 1300 | 2000 | 3300 Hertz
Auto Volume Control provided by the SGTL5000 (On | Off)
SD Card for saving and restoring presets (10 presets for different microphones or modes of operation)
Loading default settings from the code
Project presentation
Project presentation
Build and assembly
Build and assembly
Improvements, new features, and code walkthrough
Improvements, new features, and code walkthrough