Part 8
Tools purchased for the project
Previous Part 7 - Antennas
Welding machine - Needed to build the gin-pole
I never welded before. I watched few hours of welding training in YouTube and practice few days on scrape pieces of metal until I feel comfortable building the gin-pole.
Nunca habia soldado metal. Mire varias horas de entramiento para soldar metal en YouTube y practique algunos dias con pedazos de metal de descarte hasta que me senti confortable para construir el guinche.
Bench grinder (used)
Safety belt - needed for hands free
Fall restraint harness
150 feet of 1/2 rope for the gin-pole
Torque wrench used to tight the bolts/nuts to manufacture's specs
The structure sections are bolted together.
La secciones de la estructura van abulonadas con un torque especifico.
Spray gun to paint the structure - It was messy
Another one that I never used before. The end result and the paint coverage was great. I also cover a lot of stuff inside my garage! Never again.
Otra cosa que tampoco habia usado antes. El resultado y la cobertura de pintura quedo muy bien. Tambien cubri de pintura varias cosas dentro de mi garage. Nunca mas.